Dear Precept Leaders at Southeast:
I received this inspiring email from a fellow Precept Teacher in Wisconsin and wanted to share the good news of how God is working through this small Precept Bible Study group!
God Bless,
Mary W.
Precept Coordinator ================================================
Sent: Monday, August 3, 2009
Subject: [PreceptLeader] God is doing something GRAND!
Hi everyone!
I am so excited... I could hardly sleep last night!
Four years ago, when we bought the house we are living in now, we visited several churches in the area to try to find a church home. We were grieved with the state of the ones we visited. None were studying the Word, much less having the pastors preach from the Word. They had all fallen for the seeker-sensitive movement. I tried talking with several of the pastors about offering a Precept-Upon-Precept (PUP) class, but it was a closed door everywhere. Hence, we have been in my home for study... week-by-week gaining one to two students, where we are almost 20 in a small house, studying Daniel.
Okay, for the latest... several of the students in our Daniel PUP study attend a church nearby, where I had tried speaking with the pastor about Precept courses. At the time he only wanted to feed people other people's books, etc. Well, these PUP students have been living their lives before their fellow church members and folks have been noticing a great change in their lives and commitments to walk the whole Truth. Yesterday, their pastor came over to our house for our son's Bar Mitzvah and a 13 year old girl's, who is also in the PUP group with her Mom, Bat Mitzvah. I was very surprised to see him.
After the ceremony, he made a bee-line for me and my husband. He had nothing but praise for all that the young ones had said for their celebrations. Then he stated that he wants to see about starting a Precept Bible study at the church where he pastors!!! HUH? Did I hear right? I was so stunned that I just kept my mouth shut as he started to say all the great things he has seen in those who have been doing the PUP studies now for a year. He went on to inform me that he has found on the Internet and thinks it's an incredible site, going there himself for help with sermons, and sending other pastors there also! WOW! I know my mouth had to be dropped open.
Another PUP student who was there pointed out to him that one must be trained as a PUP leader to lead PUP. What he said next was only done through GOD! He informed all there (about 8 of us in the circle) that he wanted to attend the training that our group was planning to attend in Gurnee in October! Oh, God is AWESOME!!! This man went on to say how the Lord has brought him around to see that people must be taught the whole Word of God and be brought to see they need repentance. He said the Lord has shown him the time is short and he has to stop playing church!
Please pray for him, let's call him Pastor G. I gave him the 800# for Precepts and a contact name for him to get in touch with about the training. Please, let's pray he follows through, catches the vision, leads the flock that the Lord has entrusted to him into the full study of the whole Word of God, and that many respond to live holy lives unto The LORD!
Praising the Lord in Janesville, WI