As I write this article, it is the day before the official release of Mel Gibson's much anticipated movie, "The Passion of Christ." Like many, I am anxious to see it, but probably for far different reasons than many Christian people. I simply want the opportunity to shove the success of the movie down the throats of the critics who tried to stop it from being released. I guess unless Jesus is portrayed as a homosexual, adulterer, or a "superstar"…..Hollywood doesn't want any part of it. This is the opportunity for Christians to "flex" their muscle and show Hollywood, and the critics, what we like.
But there is one thing that is bothering me about the movie. What is bothering me is what I hear many Christian people say is the reason they are looking forward to the movie. I hear such things as, "It will strengthen the Christian's faith." "It will add credibility to the Christian faith." "It will bring Christians closer to God." "It will make Christians more appreciative of what Christ did on the cross." Folks, I'm not going to dispute that this might be true. What I am disputing is…..did God need Mel Gibson to help Him accomplish this?
Let me illustrate. Jenny and I had the opportunity in 1984, when we visited Israel to partake of the Lord's Supper at the historic site of the tomb of Jesus. In fact, I still have the olive wood communion cups sitting in my office. It was a very nice experience. When we got back, people constantly asked if that experience brought us closer to God. I think they were shocked when I said, "No!!" I then explained, "I didn't feel any closer to God there, then I do when I meet around the Lord's table every Sunday. The promise of Jesus is that He is always with us, regardless of location."
One of the facts of history is, that the more biblically illiterate a people becomes, the more they become dependant on visualization to maintain their faith. This is why the Catholic church (et. al.) is replete with icons, statues, and stained glass windows. Since these churches historically have kept their people in the dark concerning the learning of Scripture, they have had to teach and maintain the faith of people through visualization.
I'm looking forward to seeing the movie. But…..I don't need the movie to strengthen my faith. I don't need the movie to give validity to the Christian faith. And I don't need a movie to appreciate what Jesus did for me on the cross. The Word of God does a much better job than Mel Gibson ever thought of doing.
Remember, it was Jesus who said it was "an evil and adulterous generation that constantly seeks after signs" (i.e., visualizations).
As it currently says on our church sign right now…."Read the Best Seller the Movie is Based On….the Bible!" The emotion of the movie will pass so very quickly. What will make a difference for eternity is whether the movie inspires people to become more committed to understanding the Bible and studying it…..since it is the true basis of the Christian faith.
My guess is…….10 years from now (or sooner)…..the movie will be long forgotten, found only in the far corner of the $1.99 movie section of "Blockbuster."
However, the Word of God "abides forever." (1 Pet. 1:25)
Where are you banking your faith?
Serving the Master with You!
Preacher Danny
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