We believe this is the most important election of our lifetime. On Nov. 4th each of us will become accountable for our vote and its impact on our country and our fellow man. Our vote reflects who and what we believe.
We find it hard to believe that MOST Americans identify and agree with Hollywood, and individuals who are anti-American, and anti-Israel. It is hard for us to believe that MOST Americans would vote for any person who is identified with groups or individuals like Acorn, Bill Ayres, (wrote a book, Prairie Fire, dedicated to among others Sirhan Sirhan who assassinated JFK), Al Frankin, Rev. Wright, Tony Rescoe, Black Panthers, and anti-Israel (supporter of Palestine) Rashid Khalidi. Our parents taught us, and rightly so, that you are known by the company you keep. We didn't always understand that in our youth, but when we became an adult we understood it, and we understand it even more now. A question for each of us to consider as we look at those supporting each candidate is, "would we respect these people enough to align our thinking with theirs."
How can we trust ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, etc. when they investigate Joe the Plumber more than someone running for President of the United States.
We find it hard to believe that MOST Americans believe anyone running for president at any time in history should have the right to take money from hard-working individuals and redistribute it to those he/she feels should have the money--whether or not those individuals work, pay taxes, or are even in this country legally. We are ones who still believes the one who works and earns his/her money is the one who should make the decision as to how and with whom to share. SOCIALISM is repulsive to us.
Finally, and MOST important is God's word to us. We cannot believe MOST Americans would vote for an individual or a party who supports Abortion--including late-term abortions, and Homosexual marriage--both actions of which God condemns. Russia has nationalized abortion and they now abort 60% of their babies. The Bible goes so far as to say that homosexuality is an abomination to the Lord. God WARNS any Nation who stands against Israel--every Christian and Jew should take this seriously. Everything we need to know about life or about issues at stake in this election is contained in God's Word, The Bible. God says, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." The Bible is very clear on what God considers wicked.
Man's values are always changing and cannot be trusted. Neither candidate is a Savior. God's teachings are the same in the past, now, and forever. We need God to heal our land. As for us, we will put our trust in the Lord.and vote according to God's Word.
~ a fellow friend
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